
37 Yoga Facts You Need to Know

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Whether you’re a yoga newbie, or want to brush up on your existing knowledge, these amazing yoga facts and benefits will teach you something new!

This article will cover interesting yoga facts from the scientific, facts about yoga and health, and what makes yoga fun. 

Before we start, if you’re interested in turning your passion into a career, check out OriGym’s Level 3 Yoga DiplomaAlternatively, have a browse through our downloadable prospectus to see where a career as a yoga teacher could take you!

37 Yoga Facts

Now, let’s dive into our list!

#1 - Yoga Was Introduced to the Western World in the 1890s 

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Our list starts with one of the most fascinating yoga history facts: it was introduced to the Western world in 1893.

There’s generally believed to be two historical catalysts for it being introduced to the West. Firstly, monks started to spread their knowledge, sharing facts about yoga and health with visitors to India.

Another reason is Swami Vivekananda’s visit to the United States in 1893. He addressed the World’s Parliament in Chicago, which we have a record of from its president, spreading the message of Hinduism and yoga.

Though the facts suggest there was some hostility towards his ideas, it was also met with excitement and praise.

Vivikenanda continued to write books and do tours to share facts about yoga and health throughout the US.

#2 - Yoga is Thought to Have “Eight Limbs” 

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One of the most interesting yoga facts is that it comprises “eight limbs”. These all act as guidelines on how to live life and provide guidance on how they should be practised. 

Each of them is designed to help you achieve a meaningful and purposeful life. The eight limbs are:

  1. Yamas (abstinences) 
  2. Niyama (observances) 
  3. Asana (postures)
  4. Pranayama (breathing)
  5. Pratyahara (withdrawal)
  6. Dharana (concentration)
  7. Ghana (meditation)
  8. Samadhi (absorption) 

This is one of the most significant things we know about yoga and its history. These facts may be familiar to the seasoned yogi, as this is one of the foundations of practice and classes.

#3 - Yoga is a Registered Olympic Sport 

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This is one of the most surprising and fun facts about yoga. In late 2015, the USA Yoga Federation registered it for competitive purposes, getting approval from the Olympic committee the following year.

But how do you compete in yoga?

During a competition, yogis will display a range of poses before a panel of judges. They will have a total of 3-minutes to present these and must include 5 mandatory postures. These are:

  • Standing head-to-knee pose
  • Standing bow-pulling pose
  • Bow pose
  • Rabbit pose
  • Stretching pose

These types of postures are thought to demonstrate yogis flexibility, strength and balance. 

The judges rate competitors based on these criteria plus their timing and breathing.

#4 - Yoga Can Boost Your Self-Esteem 

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Since yoga focuses on building confidence holding various deep stretches and poses, this can influence everyday self-esteem levels. 

Though there’s tons of facts about yoga and its health benefits, especially in fitness, there’s a huge focus on mentality when looking at yoga through history.

We also have facts about levels of engagement and confidence in children who engaged in daily yoga practice. 

One study even saw a relationship between regular yoga practice and academic performance. 

Another scientific study found that practising yoga for 90-minutes per week boosted self-esteem and body image in adults who struggled with binge eating. 

#5 - Yoga is Over 5,000 Years Old

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Hindus around the world have been practising yoga for over 5,000 years. Some of the earliest mentions of yoga can be found in Vedic literature, religious texts in the ancient Indian language of Sanskrit.

Vedic literature is made up of The Vedas, a collection of spiritual scripture composed of poems and hymns.  

‘Veda’ means knowledge and these texts were thought to contain the fundamental truths about existence.

 Another fun fact about yoga is that in these original texts, in Sanskrit, ‘Yoga’ translates as ‘union’, encompassing some of the teachings you may be familiar with.

These provide some of the most interesting context for yoga and its history. Facts about literature, language, and religious context will all help you get the most out of your yoga classes!

#6 - Yoga was Originally Practised as a Form of Healing 

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Want more interesting facts about yoga and health? It was originally practised as a form of physical and mental healing. 

Since yoga is such a low impact form of physical activity, it is kind to muscles and joints. Therefore yoga is a great way to exercise without too much risk of worsening injuries, aches, and pains. 

As for mental healing, scientific studies have shown that exercise in general can contribute to better mental health.

Endorphins are chemicals released from the brain during exercise which promote a positive mood, alleviates stress and provides a post-workout ‘high’. 

Furthermore, regular yoga practice is thought to ‘heal’ the mind from negativity and allow for practitioners to adopt a more positive outlook about themselves and the world. 

This is one of the benefits of doing yoga in the morning, as it wakes up your body and mind and helps set a positive tone for the day.


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#7 - There Are 5 Key Periods of Yoga

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Some of the most interesting facts about yoga, and its place in history, come from our knowledge of its periods.

There’s varying opinions about these periods, and when yoga started exactly. Each one, though, contains some fascinating moments that helped bring yoga to the rest of the world.

They are:

Period 1 - The Vedic Period/The Vedas (1500 - 500 BCE): The earliest transcriptions of yoga in history, as our other facts have shown you, can be found in Vedic literature. 

The Rig Veda is the oldest but all of these texts were passed down orally over ten whole centuries!

Period 2 - Pre-Classical (500 - 200 BCE): During this period some other hugely influential texts are written such as the Bhagavad-Gita. 

This is part of India’s most famous epic poem and contains plenty of the teachings and philosophies of yoga! 

In fact, the gita unifies several types of yoga due to its teachings: Bhakti yoga, Jnana yoga, and Karma yoga.

Period 3 - Classical (200 BCE - 500 CE): This period marked the emergence of Patanjali’s Yoga Sutras, an important text on yoga. It contains a collection of Sanskrit aphorisms discussing the theory of yoga practice. 

As part of this we see the arrival of some of the “eight arms” we talked about earlier!

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Period 4 - Post-Classical (1500 CE): A lot of the other yoga facts on our list stem from this period. That’s because this is when Hatha yoga starts, shifting things to a more physical perspective.

In fact, most classes you’ll start off with will still be Hatha!

You can find out more about this style in our article about the difference between Hatha yoga and Vinyasa yoga!

Period 5 - Modern (1900 - ): This is where yoga is today, having travelled into Western cultures and developed in its various forms!

#8 - Yoga Can Ease Arthritis Symptoms 

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More interesting facts about yoga and its health benefits reveal it’s not just about holistic wellbeing. It can also help with specific conditions such as arthritis. 

Arthritis is a common condition that causes pain and inflammation in the joints. The main treatments for it combine medication, physiotherapy, and exercise, the latter two which can be found in yoga practice!

Those with arthritis need to engage in low impact physical activity frequently to keep the joints flexible. This is why yoga is the perfect activity to engage in.

Research has found that the minority of arthritis sufferers who exercise regularly felt less pain in their joints after yoga practice that exceeded 8 weeks. 

There’s a huge number of different yoga styles, but Hatha yoga is considered to be one of the gentlest and best for those with arthritis. 

#9 - Yoga Improves Balance 

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As you can see, some of the most useful things to know aren’t just yoga history facts. There’s plenty of facts about yoga and its health benefits that can motivate you to get involved!

With that in mind, it’s worth noting that regular yoga practice can also improve one’s balance.

Newbies are likely to wobble for the first few times that they practice yoga. But, with frequent practice, confidence begins to grow when transitioning into various poses and stretches. 

Yoga helps your balance by improving:

  • Alignment - To hold the poses you have to align your body better to your centre of gravity
  • Strength - Yoga strengthens your muscles helping to hold you in place, provide the power to alter alignment
  • Attention - Being hyper aware of your body and particular muscles help you to feel rooted and stable

#10 - Yoga Can Improve Posture

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Next on our list of facts about yoga, and what it can do for your health, is that regular practice can be used to improve your posture!

Regular yoga can help to strengthen the muscles in your back and core. These muscle groups are used to help you sit and stand tall and straight which, in turn, can alleviate tension that resides in your lower back.

Yoga poses that are good for strengthening these muscle groups are:

  • Mountain Pose
  • Plank Pose
  • Eagle Pose
  • Cat-Cow Pose

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When incorporated into daily life, these straightforward yoga poses will encourage better form, either alleviating or preventing back pain.

There are numerous benefits of having good posture. Having poor posture can lead to joint degeneration and spinal dysfunction.

So, make sure that you learn from these yoga facts and engage in flow daily to improve your posture. 

#11 - Yoga Reduces Migraine Symptoms 

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This is one of the most surprising scientific facts about yoga and its health benefits: regular practice can help to reduce migraine symptoms.

Migraines are episodic headaches that cause intense pain in the head. In serious cases, migraines can cause blurred vision, slurred speech and nausea, and episodes can last from an hour to several days.

Though reduced oxygen levels in the blood isn’t necessarily the cause of migraines, according to Johns Hopkins Medicine it can contribute to pain levels.

Yoga is a form of physical activity where greater amounts of blood flow around the body.  This means that more oxygen reaches the brain which enhances functionality to better support the body.

More blood and oxygen in the brain can potentially help to reduce pain as well as increasing recovery time.

It’s advised to avoid high impact exercise, when suffering, as this is known to worsen symptoms. 

However, as we’ve mentioned, yoga is very low impact and so can be a better way to ease yourself into exercise following a migraine.

#12 - Yoga Improves Concentration 

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Another one of our fun facts about yoga and health is that it can improve your concentration.

Because yoga involves holding and transitioning from a vast number of poses to others, whilst practising breathing, it demands high levels of concentration.

With that, the more that you practice yoga, the more that you’ll be able to establish a state of equilibrium within your flow which can be taken with you into other aspects of your life. 

Hopefully, when you master this, you’ll find that this is an ability that creeps into your everyday life, outside of practice. 

This is why yoga often goes hand in hand with meditation. As this heightened awareness and concentration is one of the benefits of meditation, this is why a lot of yoga classes start with a short one.

#13 - Yoga Reduces Skin Breakouts

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One of the lesser known, but most interesting, yoga facts is that some of its effects can help to reduce breakouts.

In fact, plenty of reputable research suggests that stress can aggravate, or even cause, a huge range of skin conditions and diseases.

Stress is one of the main causes of a breakout. When you’re stressed, you overproduce sebum, an oily substance that can block the pores and cause spots and blackheads.

Since yoga is such a calming form of physical activity, you’re less likely to get stressed and will potentially experience fewer breakouts as a result.

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Yoga positions like headstands or handstands specifically, can help prevent breakouts through increasing blood flow.

The increased volume of blood and oxygen to skin cells helps regeneration and helps you to flush out harmful toxins that can contribute to breakouts.

This is why it’s one of the most useful yoga facts for how practice can change your life day-to-day. 

Whatever level you’re at, incorporating a yoga flow into your life will help reduce stress and protect your skin. 

#14 - Yoga is Not a Religion 

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One of the lesser known facts about yoga is that, contrary to common belief, it’s not a religion.

Though yoga is predominantly linked to Hinduism and Buddhism, it’s become a non-denominational practice. 

A huge range of people and cultures now practice it, regardless of location or individual religious beliefs. 

Despite this, it is still a prominent part of these religions globally. Buddhists and Hindus share the sacred mantra ‘Om’ during their meditation. 

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‘Om’ represents the sound of harmony in the universe. It can be heard throughout yoga practice as it’s thought to bring harmony to flow. 

This is also one of the yoga symbols that you might be familiar with from your own practice and classes.

So, if you wanted to learn some interesting facts about yoga, its history, and its spirituality, you now know it contains these things without being a religion in its own right. 

#15 - There is More to Yoga Than Stretching 

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This is one of the yoga facts that might encourage you to practice if you don’t already! Though stretching is part of yoga, it’s about so much more.

Breathing and meditating, as we’ve already touched upon, are also fundamental aspects of yoga.

Practitioners are encouraged to focus on their breathing, being as mindful and aware of its rhythm as possible. 

The basics of yoga breathing involve slowly and deeply inhaling through the nose, holding the breath for a few seconds, before releasing the breath by exhaling through the mouth.

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This sounds simple but it’s one of the hardest things to master. Practitioners have struggled to combine control and a clear mind in yoga all through history.

With the facts we’ve already seen about meditation, you should already know how important it is to yoga practice.

It encourages a heightened awareness of the body, better ability to focus on the breath, and keeping you calm.

The best time to meditate, during yoga practice, is often at the start or end of a class. Teachers will end their classes with a short meditation to help everybody bring that sense of calm and contentment with them when they leave.

#16 - There Are Over 100 Types of Yoga 

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Next up is another one of our yoga history facts. As you already know, yoga has a rich history that contains a huge variety of different practices and styles.

There’s a huge variety of styles, from traditional, ancient forms, to the more wacky modern interpretations.

The following 2 lists split the styles between beginner and advanced, so that you can try a style that works best for your level of experience. 

Yoga types that are great for beginners:

  • Vinyasa
  • Hatha 
  • Iyengar 
  • Restorative

Yoga types that are great for more advanced yogis:

  • Kundalini
  • Yin yoga 
  • Bikram
  • Ashtanga 

Some of the more contemporary styles, prevalent in the West, include goat yoga, puppy yoga and even nude yoga!

Whether you’re new, thinking of developing your practice, or just want to learn some interesting facts about yoga styles, hopefully these will inspire you!

Check out these articles below 

#17 - Yoga and Meditation Can Delay Ageing 

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We’ve had a few scientific facts about yoga and its health benefits so far, but this may be one of the most exciting.

A 2017 study investigated whether engaging in yoga each day affected the ageing process in healthy adults.

After being examined over 12 weeks, engaging in daily yoga practice, investigators found that yoga and meditation promotes cellular longevity.

This basically means that the lifespan of individual cells is longer and is directly linked to how we age.

How quickly our cells die, and how quickly we regenerate them, are both factors in visible ageing.

The conclusions were that making yoga and meditation an integral part of our lifestyle might be the answer to delaying the ageing process.

As some of the earlier studies show, yoga helps reduce stress, improve the skin, and strengthen the muscles. All of these contribute to keeping our faces and bodies young! 

So, not only is this one of the most interesting facts about yoga, it’s also one of the best reasons to start practicing.

#18 - There are Over 300 Million Yoga Practitioners 

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As you can probably tell, the more yoga facts you learn, the more you become aware of its continuing popularity and importance.

Is it thought that in the UK, 460,000 people engage in yoga each week and between 20,000 - 30,000 yoga classes are taught per week. 

According to Yoga Basics, the countries with the highest percentage of people practising yoga daily are:

  1. Canada 
  2. Singapore
  3. Australia
  4. Ireland
  5. USA
  6. India 


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#19 - Yoga Can Help With Weight Loss 

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Some of our most interesting facts are about yoga and health, and the physical impact it can have in your life.

When it comes to yoga as an exercise, it may surprise you to know it can help you lose weight as well as toning up and increasing your flexibility!

Many assume that yoga won’t burn many calories as it’s such a low impact form of exercise. However, there are more intense forms of yoga that help to boost calorie expenditure. 

Some examples of yoga types that promote weight loss are:

  • Vinyasa yoga
  • Bikram yoga 
  • Power yoga

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One of the unique benefits of power yoga is that it can also help to increase your stamina. This means it’s a great supplementary style for people doing other workouts and runners. 

As we’ve already mentioned, these styles are better for more experienced yogis. Start with Hatha or Restorative yoga if you’re new to practice, and work your way up to these more difficult and strenuous styles.

So, as well as discovering a range of yoga history facts, you’ve also got facts about yoga and health, and the vital connection between them. 

#20 - The World’s Oldest Yoga Teacher Was 101 Years Old 

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If you’ve ever wondered what makes a good yoga teacher, you can’t get much better than 93 years of experience!

Toa Porchon-Lynch was an American yoga master and one of the most important recent figures for yoga in history. 

Some of these facts about yoga and health become pretty irrefutable when you look at Tao. She was an award winning author and yoga practitioner who lived to be a whopping 101 years old!

Discovering yoga in 1926, when she was just 8 years old, her love of yoga lasted until she passed away in 2020.

Many think that Porchon-Lynch’s yoga-rich lifestyle is what allowed her to live for over 100 years.

So, there’s certainly something to be said for its age-delaying qualities!

#21 - The Founder of Buddhism is Typically Found in the Lotus Pose

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This is one of the most interesting things to note from yoga and its history. Facts about the founder of Buddhism, Siddhartha Guatama, don’t just concern religion but his connection to yoga too. 

In statues, imagery, and other iconography, he’s often pictured in the lotus pose. This is a cross-legged sitting position you’ll probably be familiar with.

The pose is meant to portray the perfect symmetry and poise of a lotus flower. 


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As for Siddhartha, sitting in this pose is thought to symbolise his overcoming the pain of the material world and eventually achieving enlightenment.

These fun facts about yoga are important to note because they provide some context for its development and yoga history.

Facts like these, about the poses, will often have a root in something spiritual, or metaphorical, from the natural world.

#22 You Don’t Have to be Flexible to do Yoga 

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It may surprise you to know that yoga doesn't demand flexibility from the get go. That's why this is another one of our yoga facts that should inspire you to start practicing!

Obviously, yoga builds on, and develops, flexibility, so you’ll be at an advantage if you already are. But that doesn’t mean you can’t improve your range of motion over time!

It’s thought to take between 2 and 3 months of regular yoga practice to become more flexible.

As we’ve mentioned already, this is one of the most important facts about yoga for those choosing a style.

Yin yoga is a slow-paced style of yoga but demands holding positions for prolonged periods. This means it’ll really put your flexibility to the test!

As we’ve already mentioned, if you’re a newbie, your best bet is Hatha until you build up your confidence and flexibility.

So, being aware of the different kinds of yoga available, for different goals, is one of the most important yoga facts you’ll need to know before starting to practice. 

This is also important if you want to know how long it takes to become a yoga teacher. It would depend on what kind of yoga you want to teach and whether you want to specialise.

#23 - Pregnant Women Can Practice Yoga 

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Next on our list of interesting yoga facts is that pregnant women can get involved too!

Hatha yoga and restorative yoga are considered the best choices for pregnant women as both are very gentle styles and won’t involve doing many (if any) complicated poses. 

Most poses will be performed while standing, sitting or lying on the ground. Transitions will be slow and gentle to improve strength, flexibility and balance. 

In fact, plenty of instructors even specialise in prenatal yoga! With use of the right equipment yoga can strengthen the core, helping to alleviate lower back pain.

If you’re thinking of getting involved, you’ll need to find one of the best yoga blocks. These help extend your reach when you need to go over your bump.

Find out how you can become a yoga teacher for pregnant women by checking out our article: How to Become a Prenatal Yoga Teacher.

#24 - You Don’t Need Expensive Yoga Props and Apparel to do Yoga 

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This is one of our yoga facts that could save you money as well as increase your knowledge!

Many yogis enjoy using props during their flow. However, they’re not always necessary and they certainly don’t need to be expensive if you do choose to use them.

One of the staple pieces of equipment is a yoga mat. Though you can get your own, and bring it to class, a lot of classes provide them for you.

As for yoga apparel, comfort is key. Most opt for a tank top and pair of gym leggings, both of which can be purchased cheaply. 

So, we haven’t just got interesting facts about yoga and health, but ones that help with the very basics of practice!

#25 - The Yoga Market is Worth £74 Billion 

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If you’re looking to start a career in yoga, this will probably be one of the most interesting yoga facts for you!

The yoga industry is now worth a whopping £74 billion.

There’s several parts of this industry including:

  • The cost of attending and leading yoga classes
  • Yoga programmes
  • The cost to become a yoga instructor
  • Yoga retreats and holidays
  • Yoga clothes brands
  • Yoga equipment and tool brands

With more and more people beginning to engage in yoga, it’s expected that this figure will be a lot greater in the coming years.

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If you’re interested in yoga teaching, we’ve got plenty of other articles to help you get started:

#26 - Yoga Can Help Alleviate Symptoms of Depression and Anxiety 

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One of the most important yoga facts is how it can help to boost your mental health. We’ve already touched on how it can help reduce stress but it can also help with depression too.

As we’ve already mentioned, any form of physical activity is good for brain function. This is because endorphins are released, giving you that “runners high” you might be familiar with.

In fact, there’s even research from the British Journal of Sports Medicine on yoga and mood disorders. 

Not only was there a connection between yoga and alleviated symptoms, but the more frequent the practice, the better the effects!

Mindful breathing and meditation, an integral part of yoga practice, is increasingly used to tackle oncoming panic attacks.

There’s specific scientific research into the effects of breath-counting meditation on people with anxiety disorders. 

Not only is this one of the most important facts about yoga and health, but also may be the best one to share with other people!

#27 - Yoga is Good For All Ages

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A lot of people think they have to be a certain age to practice yoga. However, yoga is increasingly popular with kids as well as seniors!

Hopefully we’ve already shown you that there’s a part of yoga for everyone. No matter your ability, your age, or your particular style, the facts about yoga and its health benefits remain true.

There’s even specific kinds of practice designed for different demographics and groups!

For example, did you know about baby yoga? This is a form of very slow, light yoga designed to help a baby’s flexibility, strength, and help parent/child bonding!

As we’ve already seen from other interesting facts about yoga and health, it’s also perfect for seniors.

Helping with arthritis and posture issues, as well as helping to slow down the ageing process, proves just how important it can be for older practitioners!

Find out how you can 

#28 - The Headstand is the Most Dangerous Pose  

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There are some interesting facts about yoga, and its various poses, that will not only broaden your knowledge but help to protect you too.

For example, the headstand pose is considered to be both the toughest yoga pose to perform as well as the most dangerous. But why is this? 

When in the headstand position, one’s entire body weight is put onto the neck which increases the risk of injury. 

For those considering practising the headstand position, it’s encouraged to begin against a wall before practising without support. 

That way, you become familiar with the position and feeling in the muscles so it feels familiar once you do a headstand independently. 

#29 - International Day of Yoga is Celebrated Each June 

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Did you know that the International Day of Yoga is celebrated annually on June 21st?

Here are some fun yoga facts about the annual celebration: 

  • International Day of Yoga has been celebrated since 2015
  • It is celebrated on the 21st of June because this is the longest day of the year in the Northern Hemisphere. This unifies people from different countries and means celebrations can last longer!
  • It was first proposed by Narendra Modi, current Prime Minister of India, during his speech at the United Nations General Assembly in 2014 
  • Practitioners all over the world come together to engage in flow as one

While the International Day of Yoga is a great time to fully indulge in the practice of yoga, we'd encourage you to get involved at least once a week, too.

#30 - You Don’t Need Plenty of Free Time to Practice 

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This is another one of our yoga facts to encourage you to start practicing! You don’t need heaps of time to engage in a flow.

With social media, YouTube channels, and a variety of apps, yoga routines have been created in small, manageable sizes to suit everybody’s busy schedules.

There are vast content creators determined to get yoga newbies involved and avid yogis to improve. These can be found in videos as short as 10-minutes long.

There are also copious yoga instructing videos that can extend up to 90-minutes long, mimicking a real-time yoga class. Some of these are also live-streamed so that more can participate even if not in person. 

Yoga With Adriene is one of the most popular yoga YouTube channels, some of her videos being just 10-minutes long. 

As you’ve seen from some of the other yoga facts on our list, the more you practice yoga the better the benefits! So, these shorter, everyday flows are perfect to get you started. 

#31 - People Practice Yoga with Animals 

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One of the most fun yoga facts is that people now even do their flows with their pets!

For a lot of people, the positive effects of yoga are similar to spending time with animals. Both of these can help to reduce stress and generally boost your mood.

It’s not just dogs either! As we touched on before, this extends to goat yoga, bunny yoga and cat yoga!

Animals are allowed to roam freely around the room; whether it be perched on your yoga block, at the end of your yoga mat or even on your chest.

Obviously these types of classes are accessible to all abilities! You will probably be a little too distracted to perform super advanced poses and styles.

Fun facts about yoga, like these, show just how popular and diverse yoga has become throughout the world!

#32 - There May Be Poses to Avoid When Menstruating 

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Next in our list of facts about yoga and health is that women are encouraged to avoid certain yoga poses when menstruating. 

This is one of the lesser known facts about yoga and health. Women are encouraged by certain practitioners to avoid inverted poses when they’re on their period.

Inverted poses are ones like headstands and handstands - essentially those where you’re upside down.

This is proposed in one of the most important books on yoga, ‘Light on Yoga’ by ​​B.K.S. Iyengar. Supposedly inverting the body, specifically the uterus, during menstruations, disturbs the natural movement of Apana.

Apana is the outgoing breath which travels down the ‘astral’ spine, rather than the physical one.

However, a lot of female yogis have reported doing such poses is safe when menstruation is at its lightest.

In fact, according to the period tracking app Flo, yoga can help alleviate menstrual cramps.

It’s all about listening to your own body and bearing these other facts about yoga and health in mind. Be aware of your breathing, strength, and capabilities at the time.

#33 - Yoga Enhances Productivity in the Workplace 

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Want more facts about yoga and the benefits that it provides? Well, yoga is known to enhance productivity in the workplace. 

Practising yoga and meditation, as we’ve already shown, helps you to better manage your stress levels.

For aggravations that arise when at work, yogis can manage the negative emotions that are conjured up with their breathing techniques.

Yogis can manage aggravations at work, and the negative emotions they stir up, with their breathing techniques.

This is one of our yoga facts that’s been the explicit subject of research and analysis. 

The 2012 Journal of Occupational Health Psychology study found that employees taking part in a yoga programme reported feeling more productive by an average of 69 minutes per week.

This suggests, therefore, that relaxed employees make more productive employees. 

#34 - Yoga Can Alleviate OCD Symptoms 

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OCD, Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, is a mental health condition that causes recurring thoughts and repetitive behaviours. 

As you’ll have seen from the other yoga facts on our list, this is another mental health disorder whose symptoms can be alleviated by yoga practice.

Research in the International Review of Psychiatry suggests that, even though further investigation may be needed, a generalised practice helped alleviate symptoms!

Yoga isn’t a treatment for OCD, but combined with other treatments such as medication, and CBT (Cognitive Behavioural Therapy), it can help alleviate symptoms.


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#35 You Can Do Yoga with Two People

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Even if you’ve incorporated flows into your daily life, this is one of the yoga facts which may surprise you.

Yoga poses aren’t just for one person! Some of the most interesting and challenging yoga challenges are even explicitly for two people.

Some of these are great, no matter your level, for you to develop your practice or stretch before other exercises.

5 of the best yoga poses for you to try with a partner are:

  • Partner forward fold
  • Twin trees
  • Chair pose
  • Double downward dog
  • Seated cat cow

#36 - Yoga Can Help You Sleep

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As well as alleviating stress, helping you focus, and strengthening your muscles, yoga can also help you sleep!

If you hadn’t already guessed from our other facts about yoga and health, flows will benefit you physically and mentally in equal measure.

Super active styles of yoga, such as Kundalini or Power yoga, will work like other exercises. There’s plenty of solid evidence to suggest a correlation between exercise and better sleep.

But, this doesn’t mean that gentler forms of yoga like Hatha can’t provide these benefits too.

Like some of the other yoga facts on our list, yoga’s main reason for helping sleep, other than it being exercise, is increased calm. 

That’s why a lot of the most interesting yoga facts are also the most helpful and inspiring.

#37 - Hatha Yoga is the Most Practised Type of Yoga 

yoga pose yoga fun facts graphic

Hatha yoga is one of the oldest yoga styles that has set the foundation for many modern variations. 

As you’ll know from other yoga facts on our list, this is one of the most commonly practiced styles, ideal for people just starting out.

Its focus on pranayama, the practice of breath regulation, makes it one of the best for the benefits we’ve listed in other facts. 

If yoga and health is what you’re most interested in, this can be one of the easiest styles to incorporate in your day to day life.

Frequently Asked Questions 

We’ll now run through some additional FAQs that you may find interesting!  

How Do I Start Yoga?

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After our range of interesting yoga facts, and the benefits yoga can have on the body and mind, you may be curious about how you can get involved.There are several ways that you can begin your own yoga journey. 

  • Practicing with a friend who is an avid yogi is a great way to start. They’ll be able to teach you the basics and build your confidence before you attend an in-person yoga class.

This will also give you the opportunity to try the two-person yoga poses we mentioned earlier!

  • Conversely, you might find that you’ll enjoy going to beginner yoga classes more. One of the ways you can do this is using the NHS website to find yoga classes near to you. 
  • As we’ve already mentioned, there’s some fantastic YouTube channels you can follow. 

There are over 250 million yoga videos on YouTube each varying in duration, difficulty and type so you’ll be sure to find a channel that works best for you.

How Long Should I Do Yoga For Each Day and When Should I Do it? 

questions yoga fun facts graphic

With the previous question in mind, you may also be curious as to how long your yoga practice should be to reap the health benefits discussed. 

With the previous question in mind, you might want to know how long you should practice for, and at what time of day.

In some of the earlier facts about yoga and health, we mentioned the benefits of yoga in the morning, and the benefits of practicing everyday.

Your yoga practice only needs to last for 20-minutes for you to reap a range of health benefits. It can take an average of 2 months to begin to notice these benefits. 

yoga flow yoga fun facts graphic

As for when you engage in yoga, some enjoy doing it first thing in the morning so that it sets themselves up for the day ahead, while others enjoy practising before bed to encourage a restful night’s sleep. 

The duration and time of your yoga practice may vary day-on-day, but try and be consistent to reap the full benefits. You may find that scheduling a specific time for your yoga practice will help you to be disciplined with yourself. 

Ultimately, just 20 minutes of yoga per day is enough to see some results. As we’ve shown, plenty of scientific research shows that the more you practice, the better the benefits.

One of the best ways to do this is to find one of the best free yoga apps, and use it to incorporate a short flow into your day.

Before You Go! 

So, there we have 37 fun facts about yoga, its health benefits, and different styles and reasons to start practicing! 

Hopefully you now feel more aware of the history of yoga, the various types, and the potential health benefits. 

Don’t forget, if you’re feeling inspired to become an instructor yourself, have a look at our Level 3 Diploma in Teaching YogaYou can have a look at the different yoga courses we offer by downloading our free course prospectus here.


  1. The World's Parliament of Religions : an illustrated and popular story of the World's First Parliament of Religions, held in Chicago in connection with the Columbian exposition of 1893 : Barrows, John Henry, 1847-1902
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  7. Mehta, J., Parikh, S., Desai, S., Solanki, R. and G. Pathak, A., 2020. Study of Additive Effect of Yoga and Physical Therapies to Standard Pharmacologic Treatment in Migraine. Journal of Neurosciences in Rural Practice, 12(01), pp.060-066
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Written by Emily Evans

Content Writer & Fitness Enthusiast

Emily studied English Language and Literature at the University of Sheffield, graduating in 2021 with a 2:1 BA honours degree. Alongside her degree, she also gained experience in student publication as Forge Press’ Lifestyle Editor and Deputy Editor for Post-Production. This is where her love for content writing stemmed from, which also led her to OriGym. Outside of her work, Emily will either be found on a long hike, at the gym or making a mess trying new healthy recipes in her kitchen!

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