
How To Write A Yoga Teacher Bio

How To Write A Yoga Teacher Bio

Looking to write your own yoga teacher bio but unsure about what to include? This article will cover everything from how to conduct research to finding the perfect structure.

We’ll break this down into just 4 simple steps:

But before we get onto answering everything about how to write a yoga teacher bio, why not expand your own with our yoga courses. OriGym’s Level 4 Yoga Teacher Training can help you become a master yoga teacher and make your bio stand out from the crowd!

To find out more about our complete range of yoga courses, download our prospectus here

How To Write A Yoga Teacher Bio

In this article, we’ll provide a step by step guide about how you can effectively optimise your yoga teacher bio to appeal to clients.

Step 1: Conduct Competitor Research To Inspire Your Yoga Teacher Bio

yoga teacher bio

As a yoga teacher bio works as a form of advertisement for your website or social media, you should research other yoga teacher bio examples for inspiration. 

Just like when you were comparing different yoga teacher training courses, you should use this mentality when comparing your own bio with those of other yoga teachers. This means seeing what is and isn’t working in theirs and adapting your own to reflect this.

When working on your yoga teacher bio, things you should ask yourself include:

  • What can I offer that other yoga teachers don’t?
  • Where does my brand of yoga teaching fit in the existing market?
  • What experience can I mention that others haven’t?

You should be specific with your location by researching yoga teachers in your local area as these will be your direct competition. For example, if you live in Manchester, make your search clear by typing ‘yoga teacher manchester’. 

This allows you to see who your competition is in the area and tailor your own yoga teacher bio to differ from theirs.

We can take a yoga teacher sample from Kelly Renzulli, owner of Studio38Her personality and experience shine through her yoga teacher bio, highlighting the type of yoga teacher she is:

yoga teacher bio template

By mentioning how she’s teached yoga around the world in places such as New Zealand and Australia, Kelly establishes herself as a passionate and well-travelled teacher. 

By reading this, students can be assured they’re being taught by someone with plenty of knowledge and experience with a wide variety of yoga styles and students.

Another good example is Lucita Fernandez from Yogacita in Liverpool:

yoga teacher bio template

As you can see, her yoga teacher bio has a focus on how yoga changed her life. This is a great way to get potential students to consider working with you or to begin practising yoga. 

By highlighting how yoga has impacted your life, you’re inspiring and encouraging others to experience these benefits.

These examples are great for highlighting how to personalise your bio and create an image for yourself to entice potential students. By detailing your own journey and experiences, it establishes identity and reminds beginners you were once in their position too.


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Step 2: Plan Out What To Include In Your Yoga Teacher Bio

yoga teacher bio

Instead of just rushing in and writing your yoga teacher bio, you should sit down and plan everything you want to include.

By not planning your structure, it can make your writing appear jumbled and disorganised. You should know exactly what you want to include and here at OriGym, we’ll help make this process easier for you.

What Are My Yoga Teacher Skills?

There are many answers to what makes a good yoga teacher, and most of them lie in the individual skills they have. 

This is an area of your yoga teacher bio you can personalise and highlight the qualities you have that make you unique.

Now, this doesn’t have to be written like a yoga teacher CV but how you choose to structure it is up to you. You may decide it set it out like this:

yoga instructor bio examples

This is a great way to provide a concise snapshot of your individual skills that will appeal to potential students and employers. 

The skills in this yoga teacher bio sample are worth mentioning as they aren’t too generic but could fall into the area of ones you would expect most yoga teachers to have.

Avoid providing basic and general skills such as this:

writing a yoga teacher bio

While these skills are necessary for any yoga teacher, they aren’t unique or personal enough to provide anything of value.

Rather than simply listing skills, it’s a good idea to incorporate them through your experiences and personal stories. A great yoga teacher bio example of this is Alex Tinney from Yoga House London:

beginner yoga teacher bio

By mentioning how she trained and worked as a professional dancer, this highlights how her dancing experience has influenced her skills as a yoga teacher, including an eye for detail and body movements from an anatomical perspective.

This allows readers to deduce what skills you have without them being explicitly stated in your yoga teacher bio.

What Experience Should I Include In My Yoga Teacher Bio?

The first thing any potential student will look for when reading yoga teacher bios is relevant experience. Employers and readers will want to know your level of experience in the industry so be sure to include anything that separates you from your competition.

Opening with your experience is a great way to get right to the point. This reduces the amount of time someone has to spend reading through paragraphs of information to find what should be the most relevant information. 

Take a look at this yoga teacher bio example for Alan Kelly from Triyoga:

yoga teacher bio examples

From the first sentence we know Alan has over eighteen years of experience, making him a trusted source of knowledge. By mentioning how he has studied with renowned yoga teachers also reinforces how he is more than qualified to teach a class to a beginner.

Another yoga teacher bio example is Zeena Kalisperides from Yogawest in London:

beginner yoga teacher bio

Zeena stating she has over 25 years of yoga practice and a decade of teaching is important for readers. This highlights that she spent 15 years gaining experience and knowledge before teaching her own class, showing she used the time to improve her craft, and hone her expertise.

Now, this doesn’t mean you need to have decades of experience before teaching your first class. However, being able to include this adds a lot of credibility for a teacher as potential students can trust they will be receiving a high-quality service.

If you’ve only been practising yoga for a few years, this isn’t something you need to be embarrassed about. Those who have decades of experience shouldn’t make you feel inadequate as they were in your position at one time as well.

A beginner yoga teacher bio may look something like this:

From the day I started practising yoga four years ago as a treatment for chronic back pain, I instantly fell in love with it. I knew I could help more people suffering with my condition so two years ago, I made the decision to gain my Level 3 and Level 4 Diploma in Teaching Yoga to spread the word about the benefits of this practice.

By being honest about your level of experience but still letting your passion and reasons for choosing this career shine through should assure potential students they will receive a great service from you as their teacher.

The worst thing you can do is lie about how much teaching experience you have. Deceiving students to have them sign up expecting someone with decades of experience only to find they don’t will negatively impact you.


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What Is My Unique Yoga Mission?

A great way to personalise your yoga teacher bio is to include your mission. This can be what you aim to achieve through teaching yoga, or what your ambition was when you started out.

This gives potential students an insight into your character and whether you would be a good fit for them. If they feel your aim for yoga is similar to theirs, it’s more likely they will consider using your service. 

For example, take a look at the mission of Yoga Souls, founded by Amy:

beginner yoga teacher bio

While this isn’t a personalised yoga teacher bio, it still highlights what the studio as a whole wants to achieve and why it was started in the first place.

Similarly, when you take a look at Amy’s yoga teacher bio, she incorporates this aim and her reasons for creating Earth Souls:

how to write a yoga teacher bio

Those who are also outdoor lovers and care about the environment will be more inclined to join a yoga teacher like Amy. Not only will they be getting taught yoga, but she’s also offering the opportunity to get involved in charity fundraisers and environmental events.

Stating your aim and reasons for becoming a yoga teacher is a great way to relate to readers. This helps you develop a unique brand, separating you from other yoga teachers by attracting like minded people. 

Step 3: Optimise Your Yoga Teacher Bio

yoga teacher bio

When it comes to a yoga teacher bio, you want to attract as many students as possible! Your points should flow smoothly and while all information should be relevant, the best stuff should be at the top.

Use A Professional Tone For Your Yoga Teacher Bio

As your qualifications are the most professional part of your yoga bio, it’s best to open with these. At the end of the day, you’re trying to sell your classes to potential students, meaning your bio needs to have formal qualifications.

Although it’s personal preference, if you really want to give your yoga teacher bio a professional tone, you should write it in third person. While it may feel strange writing about yourself in this way, it introduces you in a professional capacity as it looks to be written by a third party.

Depending on how you want your yoga teacher bio to look, you may open with your qualifications such as Nikki Cohen from Manchester Yoga Central has done:

how to write a yoga teacher bio

Once again, this is a great way to get straight to the point and inform potential students what your qualifications and experience are.

However, you may choose to have your qualifications in a different section and break them down that way instead. 

This still informs readers about your qualifications in a concise and simple way:

yoga teaching bio

The presentation of your qualifications in this way is great, especially for readers who just want to see what experience or training you have and whether you’re a good fit for them.

This is where you can brag about your experience and qualifications! You can also include non-yoga teacher qualifications here too, such as:

Whatever way you choose to structure your qualifications, ensure you keep the tone professional. You’re representing either yourself or the studio you work for and readers will likely turn away from your services if they feel you don’t take your work seriously.


Become A Yoga Teacher With OriGym

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Aside from learning how to perfect your yoga teacher bio, check out these articles for some more yoga career inspiration:

Use Your Yoga Teacher Bio To Inform Students About What You Can Do For Them

After discussing your own qualifications and achievements in your yoga teacher bio, you should move onto what you can do for your clients.

This is a great place to separate you from other yoga teachers as you entice them with your experience and offer them something others can’t. In this section, you should also be direct and get right to the point. Avoid using language here that isn’t firm or gives a tone of uncertainty. 

A good example of this is in the yoga teacher bio of Eryck Brahmania from Yoga On The Lane:

yoga instructor bio examples

As Eryck has years of experience as a professional dancer, this sets him apart from other yoga teachers in the industry as he has a great understanding of the body’s movements from an anatomical point.

By also stating ‘students can expect’, this adds a level of assurance and makes potential students put a level of trust in Eryck, believing he can help them.

Another example of this can be seen in the yoga teacher bio of Annabel Chown from Triyoga:

beginner yoga teacher bio

See how much more convincing it is when the language is firmer? Simply using the word ‘will’ makes Annabel’s statement more believable about what her classes can do for you.

Now let’s take a look at an example of language likely to leave the reader second guessing whether you can actually get results for them:

I hope with my classes, you too can experience the mental and physical benefits of yoga.

See what’s wrong with this? Phrases such as ‘I hope’ leave room for doubt and aren’t firm enough to make a potential student believe you can help them experience these benefits.

You need to be firm about what you can offer those who check out your yoga teacher bio. Don’t be afraid to be definite about how you can help them achieve their desired results.

Personalise Your Yoga Teacher Bio

To establish identity and personalise your yoga teacher bio more, you should include information about your own experiences. Now, we’re not talking about work or career experiences here.

This could be a personal story about why you started yoga, such as:

  • To help recover from an injury
  • Improve mental health
  • Lose a lot of weight

People who share the same experiences or reasons for wanting to begin yoga may be more likely to sign up for your classes if they feel you understand them.

For example, take a look at Robin Ellis and her reasons for starting YinYan Yoga:

how to write a yoga teacher bio

Those who read this bio who too have struggled with common issues such as chronic back pain or depression may be more inclined to begin attending classes. By providing a personal reason for beginning a yoga career, it makes a teacher more human.

Being specific is more likely to elicit certain emotions and make people feel they can relate to you. For example, try to avoid being vague like this yoga teacher bio:

beginner yoga teacher bio

While this paragraph isn’t bad, it could be improved by going into detail about her health problems, and why she saw yoga as the best form of therapy or treatment.

A yoga teacher bio sample that is an improvement on this may look something like this:

After suffering with chronic back pain for 15 years, I was struggling to find reasons to even get out of bed each morning. I was out of medical options and to make matters worse, the lack of exercise caused me to gain weight. After searching through light exercise classes to improve my physical and mental health, that’s when I started my yoga journey.

This makes your yoga instructor bio more personal and inspiring, especially for those who are suffering with the same mental and physical health problems.


Become A Yoga Teacher With OriGym

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End Your Yoga Teacher Bio With A Call To Action

One you’re written your yoga teacher bio sample, you should end it with a call to action. There is no single right way to do this as every individual will do it a different way.

You may choose to include information about how potential clients can discover more about your work, or tell them where to find you on social media.

For example, your call to action may look something like this:

To find out more about booking a place in one of my classes, contact me through my social media accounts linked below to start your exciting yoga journey!

You can also include links to download digital leaflets or ebooks about your classes. This makes it easier for potential clients to find out more about your service as it’s right in front of them.

A call to action with this information may look quite simple, like this:

For more information about attending one of my yoga classes, download our free ebook and start your yoga journey today!

Always ensure your links and digital materials are up to date and you’re including the most relevant information. Old or broken links with inaccurate information are likely to put clients off using your service.

Step 4: Use Correct Formatting For Your Yoga Teacher Bio

yoga teacher bio

Now we’ve told you what to include in your yoga instructor bio, it’s time to learn how to optimise it through presentation and writing to really make it stand out!

How Long Should My Yoga Teacher Bio Be?

Finding the perfect balance between being concise and including all relevant information can be difficult. 

We understand you want to include:

  • Goals
  • Experience
  • Achievements
  • What sets you apart as a yoga teacher

However, you need to keep in mind this shouldn’t be written like an academic essay. It also doesn’t need to be a complete breakdown of every single thing you’ve done in your life.

Take a look at this yoga teacher bio example:

how to write a yoga teacher bio

Although the information highlights lots of great experiences and is all relevant, bios of this length may put readers off as they find it too long to read. Unless a potential student is really interested in your service, they’ll likely just skim through a bio of this length.

While most blogs and websites will provide you with spaces for thousands of words, it doesn’t mean you need to use them all. Most students will just want to know what your qualifications and experience are, as well as get a feel for your personality.

Yoga teacher bios will also differ depending on what platform they’re posted on. Those on blogs or websites will have a much higher word count than social media bios.

If we check out some of the best yoga Instagram accounts to follow for inspiration about what your social media bio could look like, this can give you an idea of what to include in your own and how to make it as concise as possible.

Taking two of the most popular social media platforms, you can see there isn’t a lot of space to write a complete bio:

  • Instagram - 150 characters
  • Twitter - 160 characters

This means you need to include only the most relevant information. For example, take the yoga instructor bio of @adamhusler below. His profile picture is him performing a complicated pose, showing he knows what he’s talking about.

yoga teacher bio examples

He quickly details his experience of teaching workshops in over 60 studios and 20 countries, as well as further links to his yoga related ventures. This information is quick and relevant and by providing links to other ventures, he can break down his career in more detail.

Another example of someone who does this well is @adrienelouise:

yoga teacher bio examples

She details her occupations and yoga businesses, highlighting her experience in the industry. Adriene also provides a link to her website, allowing people to learn about her practice in more depth.

Social media yoga teacher bios are a great place to interest and attract people with a quick snapshot of your qualifications. By providing an external link to your website, you can have a more detailed yoga instructor bio there to breakdown your industry experience.


Become A Yoga Teacher With OriGym

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Make Your Yoga Teacher Bio Easy To Read

Although you want your yoga teacher bio to stand out, bright colours and unusual fonts aren’t the way to do this.

While personalising your blog or website to reflect your personality is great, adding unnecessary pictures or making the text unclear by having it in bright colours isn’t a good idea.

When it comes to your yoga instructor bio, less really is more! Keeping your colour scheme neutral and easy to read is important for potential students to sign up and use your services. 

For example, take Rachael’s yoga teacher bio from Conscious Calm + Wellbeing:

yoga teacher bio examples

The page really reflects the name of the studio as she employs a colour scheme that makes the reader feel relaxed while reading. It’s soft and calming, establishing her own brand in a simple yet effective way.

Similarly, if we take the yoga teacher bio of Alexis Davis from The Yoga Rooms, we can see she is also successful in creating a page that is minimalist yet successful in establishing identity and individuality as a pilates and yoga teacher:

yoga teacher bio examples

Even the photographs Rachael and Alexis have used for their bios align with the colour on their webpages, showing how much thought has gone into even the smallest details.

Just like you would have someone else read your yoga teacher bio, you should also ask someone to take a look at your design and colour scheme. This doesn't need to be an experienced person, just a friend or relative you can get an opinion from.

Proofread Your Yoga Teacher Bio

After finishing your yoga teacher bio, you need to proofread it - we don’t just mean once either! This should be done multiple times, ensuring you avoid any spelling or grammar mistakes you might miss after the first write up or edit.

It’s crucial you check there are no errors in your yoga instructor bio. This can reflect badly on you and while it may seem like nothing important, it can make you look less professional. 

For example, take a look at this bio:

yoga teacher bio examples

See how this mistake impacts the overall yoga teacher bio? It reads awkwardly and messes up the flow of an otherwise great paragraph.

Errors such as this can put readers off your service as it shows you aren’t concerned with smaller details. This can be off putting for potential students who may have been considering having you as their teacher. 

While writing isn’t a strength for everyone, this doesn't mean you can’t ask someone to check it over and spot any simple errors you may have missed.

The purpose of a website and yoga teacher bio are to advertise yourself, meaning you should do everything you can to ensure it’s at the highest possible standard.


Become A Yoga Teacher With OriGym

Expand your yoga instructor bio with our Level 4 Yoga Teacher Training Course!

Before You Go!

With our guide, you no longer need to look at writing a yoga teacher bio as an intimidating task. Now you know everything about the topic, it’s time to get writing your own one!

But before you begin, why not make it even better with our range of yoga courses. With OriGym’s Level 4 Yoga Teacher Training, you can become a master yoga teacher and really make your bio stand out amongst the competition!

Find out more about our yoga courses by downloading our complete prospectus here.

Written by James Brady

Fitness Writer & Enthusiast

James graduated with an MA in Creative Writing from the University of Manchester. His desire to find a place where he could combine his passion for writing and love of fitness is what brought him to OriGym. He believes his passion for daily exercise, especially running, is imperative in keeping him motivated and productive. As a result, he has a particular interest in the psychology of health and fitness and the relationship between physical and mental health. Outside of work, James enjoys reading, swimming, writing short stories, watching classic movies and has a keen interest in journalism and filmmaking.

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