
7 Strategies for Yoga Lead Generation

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If you’re looking for hints and tips on yoga lead generation, we’ve got 7 tips to help you figure out how to attract more potential clients and sell to them!

Before we start, one of the best ways to improve your services and gain as many clients as possible is to deepen your practice with further yoga teacher training courses.

You can find out more about all of our own courses if you download our free course prospectus here!

7 Lead Generation Ideas for Yoga Teachers 

Now we’ll run through our top 7 ideas for finding leads online for your yoga business so you can gain more clients and class members, boosting your membership rates!

#1 A Referral Scheme is a Great Way of Finding Leads Online for Your Yoga Business

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First up for our list of yoga lead generation ideas is starting a referral scheme. This is where existing members bring friends and family to your services in exchange for a discount that each party can share!

You will offer a discount or a free session to both the potential customers and existing subscribers.

This way you’re rewarding your existing and loyal customers as well as creating an incentive for them to share with others and promote your services for you!

Advice from a friend or family member is trusted at a much higher rate and referral schemes are hugely successful as a result.

In fact, according to Finances Online, a whopping 92% of people trust a recommendation or referral from somebody they know and are therefore much more likely to be useful leads. 

From there, people who are referred have a retention rate of 37% higher than through other marketing methods, so that’s why this is one of the best lead generation ideas for your yoga business.

Not only will you gain more leads as a result of referrals but you’ll also be building on a stronger foundation, nurturing those leads and developing relationships that lead to further referrals and recommendations!

As we’ve already touched on, the best way to do this is to offer a free class or discount on your online subscriptions for when an existing customer refers another.

Battersea Yoga is a great example of this:

referral scheme yoga lead generation image

As you can see, their referral scheme allows the existing customer to get £10 towards classes and memberships when they refer a friend. 

The referred person also gets £10 off when they sign up for a service or subscription:

referral yoga lead generation image

In order to be sent the voucher, potential customers will have to provide their email address, making this one of the easiest ways of finding leads online!

Your yoga class members will find people for you to then promote your services and nurture as lucrative leads.

#2 Finding Leads Online with Yoga Social Media Ads

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If you’re looking for ways of finding leads for your online yoga business this is a great way to promote your services because of the huge reach of social media.

Working online means your leads aren’t limited by geography so you can potentially work with people from all over the world!

Instagram alone has over 1 billion active users so this gives you an idea of the potential numbers of people you could reach with social media ads targeted in the right way.

One of the benefits of social media ads as a method of yoga lead generation is that you can both cast this wide geographical net whilst also being specific about the people you reach. 

Your ads on both Facebook and Instagram can specifically target demographics based on:

  • Location
  • Age
  • Interests such as pages they’ve liked and other topics 
  • Behaviours such as including or excluding people based on their previous purchasing behaviour or intent, travel, activities or device usage. Instagram will use cookies and other data to determine these factors
  • Demographics so that you target people based on education, employment or other lifestyle factors



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You can also decide how you pay. Pay-per-click is probably the best method for finding leads for an online yoga business because then you’ll only pay when people click through to provide their information. 

To show just how many leads can be generated, here’s a look at our own lead generation from Facebook ads:

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As you can see the return on investment, or ROI, is huge with ads because the more you spend, the more you’ll get high quality yoga lead generation and be able to gain plenty of new class members! 

You could either advertise a particular subscription or if you have courses or a series of videos aimed at a particular technique.  

For example, you might create a series designed to help people with certain postures such as strengthening the lower back with backbends or drills leading up to inversions! 

Plenty of teachers are finding leads for their online yoga business with social media ads such as Karina Dimitrovova:

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As you can see there’s a clear direction with ‘learn more’ to click through the ad and provide information so that people can become leads. 

The copy in the ad is targeting people familiar with yoga wanting to deepen their practice and learn arm balances and other difficult postures.

Of course, you could target beginners and people more generally but this gives you a good idea of what an ad will look like on Instagram.

A Facebook ad will look slightly different but you can control similar parameters. It’s worth hitting both platforms because there’s different demographics on both.

This is what a strong Facebook ad will look like, providing enough information and encouraging people to sign up:

facebook ad yoga lead generation image

They’re offering a free class if potential class members provide an email address which is a great direct way of using ads for yoga lead generation!

You’ll use Facebook Ad Manager for both platforms and ads will look slightly different depending on whether they’re on people’s feed, stories, or reels.

You can find out more about in our article about fitness Facebook ads here.


If you’re finding this article helpful, why not check out some of our others about how you can specialise and become a more expert yoga teacher?

#3 Use Google Ads for Yoga Lead Generation 

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Google ads are paid advertisements that show at the top of the search results page for certain terms or keywords that people regularly ask on Google.

A business will pay to target a particular term and design an ad so that when people Google these questions or terms, that business’s ad will show at the top of the search results page. 

For example, here’s our own ad that shows up in the top three for the search term ‘personal trainer courses’:

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Designing Google ads is another great way of finding leads online for your yoga business because it’s the biggest search engine in the world!

Millions of people make Google searches per second so if you can design the best ads you’ll be able to reach as many potential customers as possible. 

They’re also easy to design and you can set a flexible budget and adjust throughout the campaign, trying out different strategies.

You can also design the ads in a similar way to the social media ads we mentioned earlier, except you’ll be targeting specific search terms rather than demographics based on their digital behaviour.  

Whether you’re interested in starting a yoga studio to teach in-person classes or you work solely online you can link to a page with plenty of copy to persuade people to provide their details! 

This is why you’ll need at least a landing page, if not a full website, in order to design Google ads because you’ll have to select a specific place for people to be taken once they click through the ad. 

Your ads, with the right design, will show in the first three results for a particular search term.

You should use specific keywords so that, despite being able to cater globally as an online teacher, you’re still targeting your content as directly as possible.  

Not only will these better reach your specific audience you’ll also be much more likely to have a successful ad that ranks highly with niche keywords.

For example, if you’ve become a prenatal yoga teacher specifically and this is the style you offer online you can target keywords specific to this style, such as ‘prenatal yoga online’:

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As you can see there’s a couple of different businesses whose ads show for this keyword, including The Bump Plan.

When you click through to their page it’s one designed to capture people’s details straight away with different buttons with calls to action on them:

keyword yoga lead generation image 

A call to action is when you use copy to encourage someone to take a specific action on your site or page.  

‘Start your free trial’, ‘download now’, or ‘find out more’ are all great examples of CTA (calls to action) you can use for finding leads online for your yoga business through web pages.

This is why Google ads are a great tool for yoga lead generation because people are far more likely to click through when you rank high on Google and they’ll be directed exactly where you want them to go, taking the action you want them to, to become a lead!

You can find out more information about designing Google ads with our dedicated article here: The Complete Guide to Google Ads for Personal Trainers.

#4 Lead Generation Ideas: Have Engaging Organic Social Media Content

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Another way you can use social media for finding leads for your online yoga business is with your organic content. 

Organic content is free content that you’ve designed that all users can share and see such as:

  • Posts
  • Stories
  • Reels

This can be another one of the best lead generation ideas for your yoga business because you can link and direct people towards providing their details on a regular basis.

This is also your opportunity to provide evidence of your success and use your content to promote why people should come to your classes and sign up with their details.

For example, you can share a whole range of elements of your practice to encourage people to do this including:

  • Share existing class members’ content from your classes
  • Testimonials
  • Demonstration videos to show your expertise 
  • Your own practice to personalise your brand to make it more trustworthy and relatable
  • Promote certain class styles or new yoga teacher training you’re doing or have completed 

You should include a call to action in all of your posts and stories, encouraging people to click through to a designated page so they can provide their details. 

This can include a link in your stories like Omstars have done:

stories CTA yoga lead generation image

Or a call to action in the captions of your posts, whether they’re explicitly promotional or not. For example, East of Eden makes sure to always direct people towards their linktree in their bio:

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Having a linktree is a great alternative to having a full website as it’s a way of gathering all of your important information and lead magnets in one place.

Your linktree can have a small list of places for people to provide their details and become leads so you can start selling to them including landing pages or sign up forms for certain classes. 

Then you can refer to this link in all of your posts and use the content to encourage people to click through and provide their details:

east of eden lead generation ideas yoga image

From there you can have more information as well as things designed specifically to capture people’s details like this:

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By offering a free trial or a free flow people will provide their email addresses to get the resource and you can start the selling process!

#5 Lead Generation Ideas: Have a Yoga Newsletter

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Another great resource you can include in your link tree for yoga lead generation is a newsletter.

This is an update about everything to do with your services that you can regularly design and automate to be sent to people’s email addresses.

It can contain details of any of the following as part of your email marketing strategy to persuade people to come to your classes and sign up for subscriptions: 

Once you have the newsletter you will be able to sell to people and encourage them to sign up using the content you include. 

But, before that, having a newsletter and encouraging people to sign up is one of the best lead generation ideas for your yoga business because not only will people get a resource but you’ll also have a direct line of communication!

As we mentioned earlier, this is a great way of shaping your organic content too and giving you a direct way to turn followers into leads. 

You can do organic posts on your Instagram encouraging people to sign up to your newsletter, giving them a hint of the content they can expect. 

Core Restore Studio is a great example of how this might look:

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As you can see they have included the call to action we mentioned earlier, ‘click the link in our bio’, which will encourage people to click through and provide their details.  

Eckhart Yoga is a great example of how this will look on a website:

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You can either have a dedicated landing page when you’re starting out or, once you’ve built a full website, this can be a dedicated web page as well as in a capture box on other web pages.

This is the box we mentioned earlier, designed to persuade people to provide their details either in exchange for a newsletter or another resource with more information on a product or service.

You can use a call to action like we’ve recommended in some of our other lead generation ideas. Your yoga pages on your site or socials can always encourage people to sign up for the newsletter.

This is great for yoga lead generation because once people have provided their email addresses for the newsletter you’ve got a direct line to start selling!

#6 SEO Driven Blog Content is Great for Yoga Lead Generation

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One of the most important marketing tools and lead generation ideas for your yoga business is writing SEO driven blog content.

SEO stands for search engine optimisation and includes different features within writing and content online to drive your site up Google’s ranking on their search results page.

Some of the features that fall under the umbrella of SEO include:

  • Using keywords - this is where you build blog topics around what’s most commonly searched for on Google by your demographic
  • Expertise in a particular niche subject - showing industry expertise and being a reliable source of information by publishing verifiable information 
  • Consistency and regularity of content, meaning you’re constantly producing high quality blog articles and having consistency in your posting

The reason this is so good for yoga lead generation is that everybody comes to Google when they have questions and want further information. The further up their results page you are the more likely you are to gain leads from your content!

Also, this content keeps people on your website and gives you an opportunity to use persuasive language regarding your services.

You can also put pop ups and capture boxes throughout your content to encourage people to provide their contact details.

They’ll look like our own below:

You can include SEO features in the general copy on your website, especially the pages that are explicitly designed for people to provide their details and become leads.

One of the most important things you can do is use software such as Semrush or Ahrefs to research what your demographic is searching for most. 

This will provide you with the topics you should target, based on the information your potential customers are looking for! 

For example, if you’ve specialised and have become a Hatha yoga teacher you can look up keywords related to this particular style: 

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This is Ahrefs, one of the tools we mentioned earlier, and it will allow you to search manually for keywords and see what other top sites are ranking highly for.

If you want to learn more about how to use this kind of content for yoga lead generation, we’ve got an article dedicated specifically to SEO for yoga teachers here.

#7 Start a Social Media Giveaway or Competition for Yoga Lead Generation

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Another great way of utilising your social media pages for yoga lead generation is with a giveaway or competition! 

This is when you run a contest where the winner will usually get a discount, voucher, or free trial of some of your services in return.

No matter what platforms you choose to use, it's a great way to market your services as well as finding leads for your online yoga business because people will share with their friends.

People will be much more likely to engage with your brand if you’re offering something in return as well as getting people to provide free marketing for you! 

The main reason this is a great method of yoga lead generation is because people will have to provide their email addresses if they win the contest. 

Also you would usually design a contest whereby people have to share the post or tag a friend, as well as commenting and liking the post and making sure they follow your page. 

Commenting drives engagement of a post so it will get more attention but also by explicitly tagging friends and family members who might be interested, these are people who can also equally become leads!

Our Sacred Space Yoga is a great example of the simplest way of doing this:

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As you can see the winner will get a ticket to a special event for free and part of entering the competition is to comment.

However, they haven’t explicitly said they have to tag another person in the comments which is better yoga lead generation than just driving engagement alone!

No matter your method though, once you’ve driven people to your page and your post, you’ll be able to use your other content as well for finding leads online.

Once your yoga services have been tried, too, as part of the prize for the contest, those people who’ve taken part will be more likely to return and become paying customers!

Before You Go!

That concludes our list of some of the top tips for yoga lead generation so you can attract more potential customers and grow your business.

Don’t forget, one of the best lead generation ideas for your yoga business online is to become a more advanced teacher with level 4 yoga teacher training.

This will allow you to specialise further and stand out from the crowd! You can either click through the above link or download our course prospectus for free here

Written by Jessie Florence Jones

Content Writer & Fitness Enthusiast

Jessie has a 1st class honours degree in English Literature from University of Leeds and an MA in English Literature from Durham University. Naturally Jessie has a real passion for writing especially about film, culture and wellbeing. Outside of writing she loves hiking, country walks and yoga, which she has been doing religiously over lockdown.

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