
21 Best Yoga Mantras for Class

yoga mantras for class

As a yoga teacher, using mantras in class is a great way to help you students focus and really improve their mindset both on the mat and in their everyday lives. 

But if you’ve never used them before, it can be hard to know where to start. That’s why we’ve rounded up 21 of the best yoga mantras for class to help inspire you!

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Why Include Mantras in Your Yoga Class?

mantra yoga class

Before we get into our list of yoga mantras for class, you may be wondering, what exactly is a mantra?

Mantras are affirmations that enforce beliefs or values about the world in which we live, as well as about our true inner selves.

They come in many different forms, such as:

  • Sounds or syllables
  • Single words
  • Sentences
  • Poems or prayers

Types of mantras for a yoga class can be split into two main types:

  1. Chakra affirmations, which are one-line phrases that are recited in the English language. These are therefore ideal for beginners to yoga. 
  2. Sanskrit mantras, which are mantras recited in Sanskrit, the ancient language of yoga. These are therefore more appropriate for more advanced students. 

However, with regular and consistent practice, reciting mantras can be greatly beneficial for students.

Whether at the beginning, end, or throughout, it’s important to include a mantra in your yoga class, as they are a great tool for providing a point of focus.

In Ayurveda, the ancient Indian medical system, mantras are considered to be the most powerful technique for positively influencing the mind, and liberating it from troubles and limitations.

This is because they allow you and your students to set a Sankalpa (an intention), which students can use to bring themselves back to the mat when they become distracted by their everyday worries.

Using yoga mantras for class can therefore help your students calm the mind and promote feelings of peace.

Students then take the mantras outside of their classes, in order to experience the kind of peace they feel on their yoga mats in their everyday lives.


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Short Sanskrit Mantras for a Yoga Class

If you’re teaching a class of mixed experience, age, and ability levels, one word or one-line mantras are a great way of introducing your students to Sanskrit mantras.

Using Sanskrit is one of the things that makes a good yoga teacher, as it shows that you are respecting the origins of yoga. 

Here are some of our favourites that you can use in your next class:

#1 Om is an accessible and beginner-friendly mantra for a yoga class

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As the most well-known and simple mantra, we’re kicking off our list with the single-syllable mantra Om. 

Since it has only one syllable and a fairly simple sound to make, it is ideal for teaching a beginners yoga class

In yoga philosophy, Om is known as the original sound, from which all other sounds are formed.

This is because it was said to be heard at the creation of the universe, and therefore carries all sounds and vibrations, helping to harmonise practitioners with the world around them.

In Hindu tradition, Om is the universal and original sound. whereas in Buddhism, Om is also the sound of the universe itself.

In the Mandukya Upanishad (an ancient yogic text), Om is described as:

Om! - This syllable is this whole world.

Its further explanation is: - 

The past, the present, the future -

Everything is just the word Om.

When it comes to mantras for your yoga class, Om is also great for your students physically. 

This is because it causes a vibration through the nose and stomach, and the sound is felt in the vocal cords and sinuses, which helps to clear the airways.

Vibrations also calm down the nervous system and lower blood pressure, releasing any stress or anxiety that students may be feeling.

From the base of the spine to the crown of the head, chanting Om energises all of the body Chakras.

It should therefore be chanted at the beginning and end of practice, as well as the beginning and end of all other mantras.

#2 Hari Om is one of the best yoga mantras for class to eliminate negativity

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From the Sanskrit language, Hari Om translates to ‘the remover’ or ‘the one who takes away’.

The mantra originates from Hindu mythology, where Hari was the name given to the god Vishnu, who the Hindu religion believes has the power to remove pain, troubles, and negative karma.

When combining Hari with the Om sound, this creates a powerful mantra that is meant to erase all suffering and connect practitioners with universal consciousness.

It also clears any energetic blockages, which will benefit your students by:

  • Transforming negative thoughts into positive ones
  • Elevating levels of consciousness
  • Improving creativity
  • Increasing happiness levels

Hari Om is therefore a particularly helpful mantra to recite for those students who come to your class to help ease symptoms of depression or anxiety- which is one of the many amazing benefits of yoga!

#3 Reciting yoga Mantras for class such as So Ham reminds students of their strength

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Translated to ‘I am that’ in Sanskrit, So Ham is a great chant for reminding yourself and students that we are all part of one universal consciousness, rather than being separate from it.

When holding a more challenging yoga pose, such as a crane or handstand pose, it’s helpful for your students to have something that will remind them of their strength.

Repeating this mantra will remind them in these positions that they can and will persevere, even when the going gets tough.

The more often they repeat this mantra, the easier students will find it to become the best and strongest versions of themselves.

This is therefore one of the best yoga mantras for class to help your students achieve their own personal goals, whether within or outside of their yoga sessions.

We’d recommend reciting this mantra during asana practice or when trying to tackle challenging situations in everyday life, reciting So on inhalations, and Ham on exhalations.

#4 Lam is a good Mantra for a yoga class based on mindfulness

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Lam is the mantra for the first chakra, or energy centre of the body, known as muladhara.

This is the root chakra, which is associated with the earth element and is represented in the body as bones, tissues, and our connection to the ground.

It is believed that in order to evolve spiritually through yoga, practitioners must rise above the first two chakras, which keep us tied to our animal instincts.

Chanting the Lam mantra helps to release any blockages in muladhara and therefore releases our potential for evolution. 

Therefore, reciting this mantra allows students to release this blockage and feel the benefits of connecting their bodies to the earth.

Becoming familiar with this mantra will encourage them to be more mindful and present when it comes to their everyday lives, so they are likely to feel more fulfilled as a result.

#5 Ananda Hum is a Mantra for yoga class to generate feelings of joy

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Translated to ‘I am bliss’ or ‘Happiness is my true nature’, Ananda refers to the inherent joy and fulfilment of existence.

Performing yoga helps students form a union with themselves and the world around them. 

By reciting this mantra, Ananda Hum helps your students to do this. 

This is one of the best yoga mantras for class if your students arrive with a low energy, or feelings of sadness and anxiety.

Chanting this allows them to open their heart to an energy which uplifts and expands them, as well as helping them to feel the energy from other students around them.

This means that they will be able to feel enjoyment and experience true happiness during their practice and in their everyday lives.


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#6 Recite Neti, Neti as a self-realisation Mantra for your yoga class

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First described in the Upanishads, Neti, Neti is the Sanskrit phrase for ‘not this, not that.’

Reciting this mantra is a form of analytical meditation, which helps practitioners to understand the nature of brahman, absolute reality, by first understanding what is not brahman.

It may sound complicated, but this is a simple concept: the truth can only be found through the negation of all thoughts about it.

Neti, Neti therefore refers to a way of using the mind to negate and disidentify with all things that limit us in our everyday lives.

For instance, recital can help practitioners realise that they are not one-dimensional, and are much more than the superficial things that they normally identify themselves with, such as:

  • Jobs
  • Physical belongings, such as cars
  • Roles, including parents, partners, friends, or siblings

In this way, Neti, Neti can also be interpreted as ‘beyond this, beyond that.’

By practising this chant frequently, the mind eventually tires of putting on labels, and allows students to begin sliding into modes of seeing that originate from somewhere deeper.

This puts them on the path to self-realisation, helping them to discover and become connected with their true inner selves.

#7 Om Ritam Namah is one of the best mantras for yoga class to represent trust in the universe

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As the mantra for truth, openness, and awareness, Om Ritam Namah can be translated as ‘My intentions and desires are directly connected and supported by universal intelligence.’

If we were to break this mantra down, each word has its own meaning that is highly relevant to the experience that your students will have when reciting this:

  • Om- The sound of God or the Universe.
  • Ritam- This word means ‘truth’ or ‘knowledge of reality’.
  • Namah- An individual’s ability to surrender their ego to the universe, and as a result receive a higher sense of self and awareness of all that is.

When recited altogether, these words help to bring our awareness, understanding, and beliefs into accord with cosmic reality.

This means that it will help to instil in practitioners a level of trust in the universe, and the belief that it is guiding them along the right path to where they need to be.

It therefore will help your students to feel heard, loved, and taken care of.

Yoga mantras for class such as Om Ritam Namah also signify to students that what they want is available out in the universe somewhere.

All they have to do to achieve it is to be open to all of the people, situations, and opportunities that are being presented and that are guiding their lives.

#8 Om Namah Shivaya is one of the most popular Shaivism yoga mantras for class 

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This mantra means ‘I bow to’ or ‘I honour Shiva’ in Sanskrit. 

Om Namah Shivaya is a mantra from the Shaivism sect of Hinduism, which believes that Shiva is the most important Hindu God.

As well as being a name for the higher self, Shiva is also the destroyer of obstacles and the destroyer of the ego. 

It is also believed that he is the creator, preserver, and destroyer of the universe.

Om Namah Shivaya is one of the most popular Hindu yoga mantras for class, as it is traditionally thought to be a powerful healing mantra for all physical and mental ailments.

The recitation of this mantra therefore brings peace to the heart and joy to the soul of your students.

Frequent practice of the mantra is also said to help bring you close to the divine inner nature within all of us. 

So, along with regular yoga practice, frequent recitals of this mantra allows students to dedicate some time to themselves and connect to their true selves. 


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#9 Try using Om Shanti, Shanti, Shanti, one of the most peaceful yoga mantras for class

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Shanti can be translated as ‘peace’ in Sanskrit, and constitutes the divine in the form of sound.

This sound is therefore repeated three times, because in Hinduism the threefold Shanti is interpreted as meaning threefold peace in the:

  • Body
  • Speech
  • Mind

By reciting this mantra frequently, practitioners will hence feel a peaceful, beautiful energy in the entirety of their being.

It is also thought to bring about peace on three levels of consciousness, including waking, dreaming, and sleeping.

Mantras for a yoga class such as this one are usually chanted to close off a class, or at the end of a longer mantra.

However, this one is also a powerful mantra in its own right, as an invocation of peace.

Om Shanti, Shanti, Shanti is therefore a highly effective mantra alongside meditation, which encourages mindfulness and is a great tool for helping your students to find their own inner peace.

#10 Om Namo Narayanaya in a positive mantra for yoga classes

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Namo means ‘to bow’, and Narayanaya is generally thought to mean ‘resting place for all living things.’

Intended to be positive in nature, this mantra was taught by the Vedic seers to people who came to them seeking wisdom.

It is therefore seen as a tool for achieving oneness with the Divine, as well as a path to self-realisation.

This can be used as a mantra in your yoga class to acknowledge the Divine in all people.

Om Namo Narayanaya can also be used as a mantra for achieving peace, health, and happiness for all.

If your students are looking to get the most out of this mantra, the Vedic tradition recommends reciting it 108 times, or twice a day for 40 days. 

They should then sit silently for at least 10 minutes, in order to fully realise its humbling effects.

#11 Lokah Samastah Sukhino Bhavantu is one of the most compassionate yoga mantras for class

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In this mantra for a yoga class, each word can be translated as follows:

  • Lokah - Location or realm
  • Samastah - All beings sharing that location
  • Sukhino - Free from suffering, happiness and joy
  • Bhav - State of unified existence
  • Antu - It must be so. This ending makes the mantra a powerful pledge to the self.

When considered altogether, this phrase therefore translates to mean ‘May all beings everywhere be happy and free.’

With our busy daily lives, it can be easy to get caught up and forget about how important self-care is.

Whether that’s treating ourselves to that new outfit we’ve wanted, or allowing ourselves to unwind with a yoga session!

This mantra therefore promotes compassion towards others, but also emphasises the importance of showing compassion towards ourselves.

It also reminds students that no true or lasting happiness can come from causing unhappiness to others. 

We should therefore always carefully consider the impact of karma yoga, because how we think, act, or speak will be revisited by our actions in due time.

This encourages students to take control of their own future, by taking positive steps and making positive changes in the present.


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Long Sanskrit Mantras for a Yoga Class

The next yoga mantras for class that we’ve chosen are longer and more complex in nature. 

These are therefore more suitable for more advanced yoga students, who may already be familiar with Sanskrit. 

#12 Om Purnamadah Purnamidam Is one of the best healing mantras for yoga class

That is whole; this is whole

From the whole, this whole came.

Remove this whole from that whole,

What remains is still whole.

As detailed above, Om Purnamadah Purnamidam is a Shanti mantra from the Upnishads which describes the infinite and complete state of the universe.

Practising Vedic mantras such as this one frequently and with total concentration will therefore provide students with a complete healing energy from the universe.

This allows their physical, mental, and energetical body to regain its natural state, making this an ideal mantra for those struggling with mental health issues such as trauma. 

However, the mantra also highlights the fact that the completeness of the universe exists in us too. We are born out of the universe, and so what exists in the universe exists in us too.

This helps to awaken the sense of completeness in the self and elevates the mind and soul to a higher spiritual plane.

Om Purnamadah Purnamidam is therefore one of the best yoga mantras for class to remind students that they are one with the universe and they are never alone. This is particularly great for those struggling with loneliness or isolation. 

#13 Recite the Gaytri Mantra as an awakening Mantra for yoga class

Mentioned in both the Bhagavad Ghita and the Rig Vega- two of the most important yoga philosophical texts, the Gaytri mantra has been translated to mean:

The eternal earth, air, heaven

That glory, that resplendence of the Sun

May we contemplate the brilliance of that light

May that inspire our minds.

This mantra is designed to connect practitioners to the sun, which refers to not only the sun in the sky, but also divine light.

As a universal prayer, the mantra has three parts: 

  • Adoration
  • Meditation
  • Prayer

Meaning knowledge, the Gaytri is considered to be the essence of the Vedas, and this mantra sharpens the knowledge-yielding faculty.

By frequently reciting the mantra, it can awaken the true intelligence within your students, by appealing for peace and divine wisdom for all.

This is because the sound of chanting the Gaytri mantra activates the chakras, aligning currents of energy and brainwave patterns on a powerful level. 

The Gaytri mantra also demonstrates the unity that underlies humanity, helping to bring your students together as they chant at the same time within the class.

#14 Try the Patanjali Mantra for your yoga class

I salute to the sage, Patanjali, who gave us yoga for purifying the mind, words & speech.

To remove the impurities of the body, Patanjali gave us the medicine.
Allow me to go near to the one who has given these things to us.

To Patanjali, I bow down my head with folded hands. 

Whose upper body has a human form, whose arms hold a conch, a disc and a sword. The one who is crowned by a radiant white thousand headed cobra. 

My salutations or pranam to the incarnation of Adishesha.

The Patanjali mantra for yoga class is traditionally chanted during Iyengar yoga. So if you’re looking to become an Iyengar yoga teacher, this is a good one to learn!

That said, it can be used in all types of yoga.  

It is intended to be recited at the start of the class, addressing the philosopher and Yoga Sutras author Patanjali to honour the ancient tradition of yoga that we practise.

This is because the mantra opens practitioners up to learning, meaning that they’re likely to get more out of the practice if they open their minds through mantra recitals.

#15 Maha Mrityunjaya Mantra is a nurturing Mantra for yoga class

We worship the three-eyed One, who is fragrant and who nourishes all.
Like the fruit falls off from the bondage of the stem, may we be liberated from death, from mortality.

The Maha Mrityunjaya Mantra is mantra for yoga class which is believed in the Hindu religion to bestow immortality and longevity.

It is thought that this mantra helps to strengthen the will, wisdom, and willingness to act for practitioners.

For those who chant this mantra frequently, it also helps to cultivate creativity, courage, and clarity.

This is therefore a great mantra to chant at the start of class, in order to clear the mind of any distractions before beginning to practise. 

Students are then able to better reap the benefits of their yoga practice.

By encouraging students to recite this mantra outside of class, this also opens their minds up to allow them to concentrate on the present.

This engages the senses fully, and helps them remain in the present moment, whether in the yoga class or in their everyday lives. 

#16 Om Saha Navavatu is one of the best Mantras for yoga class to display collective strength

Meaning ‘Let we move and grow together to shine’, the full Om Saha Navavatu mantra translates as:

Om, Together may we two Move

Together may be two Relish

Together may we perform with Vigour

May what has been Studied by us be filled with the Brilliance;

May it not give rise to Hostility,

Om Peace, Peace, Peace.

This is a shanti mantra, which as we said earlier, means peace in Sanskrit.

This mantra should be recited at the start of the class, to encourage students and teachers to feel together as one.

This works by calling upon protection and blessings from the divine consciousness for whatever you are going to practise within your class. This is particularly useful when practising difficult poses, or when experiencing difficult emotions.

Despite having differing life, fitness, and personal goals, yoga mantras for class such as this one show that you are all working towards a common goal by practising yoga together.

Students are therefore able to use their collective spirit as strength.

Om Saha Navavatu is particularly great for those who may be isolated in everyday life, and come to your class to combat loneliness and feel part of something bigger.

To fully benefit from the power of this mantra, we’d recommend repeating it in full at least three times.

Chakra Affirmation Mantras for a Yoga Class

If you’re teaching a beginner’s class- or those who may be more sceptical about chanting to begin with, these English Chakra affirmation mantras for a yoga class are a great place to start.

#17 Reciting ‘let go’ is a great Mantra for yoga class students who are feeling stressed or anxious

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It’s easy to get caught up in the everyday goings on in our lives, which can pull us away from what should be considered as important and truly meaningful to us.

For instance, worrying about work or material things, or being unable to check everything off on your to do list for the day. 

‘Let go’ is therefore one of the most ideal yoga mantras for a class to use when stresses such as this become overwhelming.

This is because it encourages practitioners to relax, let go, and be present in the moments that really matter.

These moments may include enjoying precious time spent with friends and family, or being fully present in a yoga session to really feel the benefits.

We’d recommend linking this mantra with the breath, by reciting ‘let’ on the inhalation, and ‘go’ on the exhalation.


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#18 ‘I open my heart to the universe’ is the best Mantra for yoga class to open the heart Chakra

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Incorporating affirmation mantras such as this one into your sequence is powerful, as it evokes an emotional response from practitioners.

For instance, reciting the mantra ‘I open my heart to the universe’ will enable students to open their hearts to others.

This is because it opens the heart chakra, which helps to bring more empathy, compassion, and love into their lives, as well as allowing them to find more peace in the universe.

The heart chakra is the energy point within the body that is thought to represent transformation. However, if this chakra is blocked, then anger, grief, hatred, or jealousy can develop.

So, by opening up the heart chakra, practitioners are more likely to be able to show forgiveness to those around them, allowing them to form better relationships.

For instance, if the heart chakra was blocked due to recent heartache, opening the heart is the beginning of the healing process. 

This affirmation mantra is therefore great for those practising yoga to help heal trauma.

Repeating this mantra also encourages them to open themselves up to the opportunities presented to them by the universe. 

This means that they are more likely to say yes to opportunities such as jobs and adventures, and live a more fulfilled life as a result.

#19 Try chanting ‘I have time’ as one of the best mindful yoga Mantras for class

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Reciting a mantra such as ‘I have time’ at the start of class will remind your students of the importance of taking their time when moving through asanas, and practising breathing.

Moving slowly ensures that they are able to pay more attention to their alignment and feel the benefits of each pose more than simply rushing through the flow.

It will also allow them to sync their movement to the breath, triggering the parasympathetic nervous system which is responsible for the body’s ability to rest, digest, and relax.

As well as being one of the best yoga mantras for class, it also encourages practitioners to slow down and move more mindfully throughout their day-to-day lives.

By repeating this mantra, it will remind your students to be present in the moment, paying attention to that moment and that moment only.

This is also one of the great benefits of meditation, which is another thing you should consider including in your yoga classes.

By the end of their session, and in the days afterward, they’ll therefore feel a greater sense of peace, joy, and fulfilment.

#20 ‘Be where your feet are’ is a Mantra for yoga class that reminds students to be present

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Not only is this phrase relevant to maintaining good alignment during asana practice, but also to everyday life.

‘Be where your feet are’ is a grounding, comforting mantra that encourages practitioners to stay rooted.

It reminds students of the importance of being present in the moment, rather than focusing on things that they can’t change about the past, or trying to control their future.

This mantra for yoga class also emphasises the importance of mindfulness in yoga. 

If practitioners leave their worries at the door and focus on the breath and movement, they will get much more out of the practice as a result.

#21 ‘I am enough’ is one of the best Mantras for a yoga class for building confidence

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Part of our nature as human beings is to be competitive with ourselves and others. This means that we often compare our abilities to others, or strive to be better ourselves.

However, this can sometimes turn into self-doubt and insecurity, causing unnecessary anxiety and even depression.

For beginners or those struggling with asana practice, this mantra reminds students that they’ve made a difference by simply coming to class, even if they’re struggling to master certain poses.

It also reminds them of their capabilities, and as a result they will feel empowered to keep striving towards their goals.

You could encourage your students to recite this mantra outside of yoga class, in any situation where they’re lacking in confidence. This will remind them that they can do anything they put their minds to.

Overall, frequent recitals of this mantra will leave your class feeling both physically and mentally strong, ready to tackle their challenges and face whatever life presents them with.

Before You Go!

Whether you’re newly qualified or an experienced instructor, we hope that this article has given you some inspiration when it comes to yoga mantras for class.

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Written by Rebecca Felton

Content Writer & Fitness Enthusiast

Graduating from the University of Liverpool with a first-class degree in English, Rebecca’s combined passions for fitness and writing are what brought her to OriGym. Rebecca is a keen gym-goer and specifically enjoys lifting weights. Outside of fitness and writing, Rebecca enjoys cooking, reading, and watching the football.

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